The Starry Threads of Fate & Fortune:
December 2021
Venus Meets Pluto and Retrogrades over the rocky Capricorn terrain of 2020.
Remember Capricorn 2020? The astrology of plagues and dis-aster (ill-fated stars). There was the volatile minefield of eclipses all over the ground of Capricorn. The Saturn-Pluto conjunction on the planetary South Nodes of them both. The Mars-Pluto-Jupiter conjunction.
And the Great Pile Up: the South Node, Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars all in Capricorn –hadn’t happened since 549 CE, the end of classical antiquity. That was Capricorn 2020-style. The consequences may just play out for decades.
Venus will end 2021 and begin 2022 with a deep contemplation of that exact terrain. This Venus retrograde may be the moment that ties together Capricorn 2020 to the United States Pluto Returns of 2022. The initial triggers may be subtle, but that doesn’t mean they won’t be deeply chthonic, cathartic, and possibly catastrophic. Cata-stropha: a rope to descend into the Underworld. It’s not a bad thing. We just go deep. Initiate. Do the work. Don’t let go of the rope. Or do.
Like decaying forest leaves, the veins still intact, you can almost see the other world beyond the strange and Dark Beauty. Remember, in the Mythworld it is Venus, as Inanna, who travels into the depths of the Under-land, removing one article of clothing at each gate. One wonders about the old adage, “what you possess may actually possess you.”

With our arms and attention-spans spilling over with the industrial and digital entitlements of this extraction-based civilization we are left asking…who are these Venusian Ghosts of our modern desires? Rare-earth ‘blood’ minerals, record-breaking fossil fuel consumption, dark money defense budgets, the methane spewing up from under the melting ice. Haunted. Primordial. Geological. Wild. Transfiguring.
This all shakes down into practical matters too. What is our relationship to authority –our own and those in it– and how does that relate to the responsibilities of crafting a material, embodied, genuine security? Deep safety 2.0. Where we trade some comfort for mutual sanctuary. This Venusian retrograde may just offer some illumination around how we mature this web of relationships and responsibilities.
Some hints: Blame doesn’t carry much weight with the Gods. Power doesn’t equal empowerment, and vice versa. Delaying gratification is sometimes necessary for creating more solid foundations. We didn’t come here to get everything we wanted; that was never in the original agreement. Being willing to examine one’s entitlement to this techno-dystopia of modernity, well, that’s never a bad idea. And always, no matter how shadowy it gets, fashion a little more beauty, grace, and fearful symmetry.
This transit –the Brightest One reaching her hands back into the fertile underworld darkness– holds the promise to seed some abiding potential for The Great Work taking place in 2022 & 2023.

One last thing. Some old faerie tale wisdom: When you’re down there, in the realm of Pluto, it’s advised to not eat anything — no matter how hungry you get, or how seductive the fruit may look.