“Stars scribble on our eyes the frosty sagas.
-Hart Crane
The gleaming cantos of unvanquished space.”
This is not your typical astrology school. These classes are a mosaic of community offerings and teachings that weave together astrology and divination with an ancestral understanding of ethnoastronomy, myth & cultural astronomy, modern healing modalities, and most of all an embodied, animate relationship to the sky. The classes offered here will be a fusion of Indo-european and Semitic astrologies, mixed with contemporary western and archetypal astrology…and always an action-packed mythopoetics to feed your imagination.
All classes are currently offered in person on Tuesdays in Asheville, NC.
Ongoing Tuesdays, 6-8:30 pm @ Gaia Sophia Center for Spiritual Awakening
70 Woodfin Place, Downtown Asheville.
10-30$ Sliding-scale Donation per Class.
3-month Subscription 108-360$
Some classes are part of a series and others are stand alone and can be dropped in on.
More Class Detail on Facebook
Visit My Facebook Page for Current Class Offerings and More Details

Fall / Winter Calendar 2023
October Events
More info coming soon

Our Ongoing Tuesday Class Offerings
1st Tuesdays of the month are AVL Community Astrology Sessions. Bring your chart (or birth info) and we’ll learn together in an intimate setting using our charts as case studies. Each meet up will be organized around a different theme or set of techniques. We will authentically connect, illuminate each other’s lives, and add some new tools to our astrology toolkits. Space limited to 12 participants.
2nd Tuesdays of the month are The Medicine of the Starry Heaven’s Salon. We’ll go astrology deep dive, old-school, renaissance salon-style. I’ll pick a theme from a various lineage or school of astrology, share some media or a reading from world-renowned astrologers, and we’ll discourse and dialogue about world events, cultural change and our own personal evolutionary journeys.
3rd Tuesdays of the month are Monthly Cosmic Weather Reports w/ Personalized Ritual Timing. We’ll start off by taking a look at the monthly transits, lunations, and planetary alignments, then look at everyone’s charts in the context of timing auspicious dates for personal and group rituals for the month.
4th Tuesdays of the month are our Celestial Seminar Series. Grab your notebook & pen and come on down for an illuminating class lecture to expand your astrological/astronomical horizons. We’ll dig into the rich soils of the world’s many astrological traditions and lineages. From the old world to modern times, from ancient divination techniques to ethnoastronomy, from yogic psychology to contemporary healing modalities these sessions will not be just another online mass-marketed class or more algorithm/app nonsense. Get ready to advance your skills and toolkit.